About me

Since childhood, I have always been a great fan of video games and films, especially animated ones. As I was growing up, I started to look into these media and their stories more deeply to find out WHY they were so mesmerizing. And I noticed that every film or video game I loved had a memorable, beautiful soundtrack. At the time I haven’t had any musical knowledge or abilities to play instruments, but I wanted to be able to create music for visual media and become a composer myself. And so, being 16 year old, I started my musical journey.

Over 10 years passed from that day. During that time I learned a lot by myself from books, resources from the Internet and private teachers. I also had an opportunity to learn theory of music and take piano lessons in a State Music School in Słupsk and later to study Film Music Composition in University of Music in Łódź (both in Poland). Besides piano, I also learned to play a few instruments on a basic level by myself (e. g. violin, harmonica, ukulele), played percussion instruments in an orchestra and sang choral music with numerous choirs. I was also lucky enough to have some of my music performed publicly at different events by various soloists, ensembles and a choir.

In 2022 I decided it was time to start my own business - Grzegorz Drozdowski Music, based in Gdańsk, Poland - and use my skills, experience and unique outlook to help other people create something original, bold and beautiful.

Apart from making music and admiring other people’s art, I love running, playing with my dog and reading good self-help books that help me with becoming a little bit better person every day.