My story

The Beginning

I was born in 1997 and spent first 20 years of my life living in Ustka, a peaceful Polish town located by the Baltic Sea.

I’ve always loved original, engaging and interactive stories. As a kid, I could rewatch Disney’s The Lion King over and over again. After school I’d play video games on my PlayStation 1 non-stop if I could.

As I was growing up, I started to look deeper into the stories of my favorite films and games to find out why they were so captivating to me. I quickly noticed that every work of art I had loved had a memorable and beautiful soundtrack.

At the time I didn’t have any musical knowledge or abilities to play instruments. Everything changed when I watched Dreamworks’ How to Train Your Dragon. Its epic soundtrack is still one of the most touching pieces of art to me. Moved by its beauty, I felt a strong desire to create music for visual media and become a composer myself.

And so, being 16 years old, I started my musical journey.

By the Baltic Sea

By the Baltic Sea

The Obsession

Starting from scratch wasn’t easy, especially since most music school pupils in Poland start learning 10 years earlier than I had.

It was a long journey of self-studying music theory, taking piano lessons in the State Music School in Słupsk and overcoming self-doubt. After learning the basics and creating my first simple compositions, I was preparing for the entrance exam for University of Music in Łódź.

During that time I learned to play a few instruments on a basic level by myself (e.g. violin, harmonica, ukulele), played percussion instruments in an orchestra and sang choral music with numerous choirs. Some of my compositions were performed publicly by various soloists, ensembles and a choir.

Finally, in 2018, after 4 years of intense studying, I was one of the 3 people admitted to Film Music Composition and the only one without a music school diploma.

My dream was becoming a reality.

University of Music in Łódź

University of Music in Łódź

The Disappointment

Studying in University of Music was like discovering a completely new world. I had never met so many talented and creative people in one place before. I finally got friends who shared my passion. And I was learning even more with help of great professors.

I’ve always valued being independent, so during my studies I worked a customer service job. I worked almost full-time, in the evenings and on the weekends. It was hard, but sustainable.

Months passed and I started to notice something. I was constantly learning, practising the piano or completing assignments in my free time. But I was writing less music than before. And I was unhappy.

A lot of the subjects I was learning were only vaguely connected with composing. The subjects truly focusing on film music were a small part of the curriculum. As it turned out, I had already learnt a lot of them before, by myself.

I passed the first semester with excellent grades, but my doubts were arising. Was studying there really what I wanted? Was it the best use of my time?

I quit my job to have more time for composing, but it didn’t help. With each passing week I was feeling more and more burnt out. The restless nights left a scar in my mind.

I didn’t want to lose my love for music, so I made the decision. Before the end of the second semester, I dropped out of the university.

After my first half-marathon

After my first half-marathon

The Recovery

I couldn’t make music anymore. I had a mental block. Every time I sat at the piano, a crippling anxiety appeared. My passion was broken.

For the first time in many years, I didn’t know what to do. I decided to give myself some time, take a break from music and look for a new job.

2 years passed before I was ready to reconnect with my passion. During that time I worked in a few banks, putting my analytical thinking into practice and developing my soft skills.

Starting by small steps, I eventually came back to composing. With time, I not only regained my skills and confidence. I started learning by myself again and became better than before.

And I think that my break from music helped with that.

You see, I believe artists are created naturally. That doesn’t mean we should not learn our craft. Of course we should. What it means is that true art is created by our life experiences. By our thoughts, feelings and memories. The craft is only a tool to convey what’s in our minds and hearts.

For 2 years, I hadn’t made any music. But I had been living my life.

Me and my dog’s paw

Me and my dog’s paw

The Business

In 2022 I felt ready to start my own freelance business.

After I moved to Gdańsk with my girlfriend (who’s now my fiancée), I began offering my skills and knowledge to creators who were in need of music, usually for their first commercial projects.

For the first 2 years it was a side hustle. At the time I had been working full-time at EasySend, an international money transfer company: first as a Customer Service Specialist, then as a Key Account Manager.

Working at EasySend was an enriching experience, but the idea of going all in on my business was growing on me more and more. All my composing clients had been very satisfied with my service and I knew I could help more people if I only had more free time.

That’s why in the autumn of 2024 I quit that job and focused solely on growing my business. I want to help as many ambitious creators as I can, using not only my skills and expertise as a musician, but also the experience I’ve gained throughout my journey.

With my wonderful fiancée

With my wonderful fiancée

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Now that you know me a little better, you’ve probably decided if you’d like to work with me. If you want to give it a try, just click the button below and book a free call. I’d love to know you too. 😉